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Cantilever Bending Test of Plastic Materials

  1. Force Measurement IMADA
  3. Aerospace
  4. Cantilever Bending Test of Plastic Materials

Description FAVORITES

Cantilever Bending Test of Plastic Materials

Bending Force


Recently, weight reduction of products is required due to soaring transportation costs and environmental considerations more than before. In automobile industry, for example, the impact of weight reduction on fuel efficiency is significant, which encourages replacement of metal parts with plastic ones. However, since such replacements affect product safety, it is important to measure the strength of the replacing material. In this video, cantilever bending test for plastic parts is performed with the dedicated jig. This adjustable jig can accommodate samples with various thickness or made from different materials.

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Related sample

  • plastic
  • Acrylic board
  • resin

Measurement Example Videos


For accurate measurement, please make sure the sample bending angle is 45 degrees or less in the test.
Samples exceeding 50 mm in width or 25 mm in thickness are not suitable.
This video shows the testing image of objective sample. Some samples may not be suitable to measure with this configuration depending on their materials or shapes.
The example of product configuration is for your reference only. It varies depending on sample, measurement method and testing capacity.
The products used in this video may differ from the example of product configuration.
Please select the right product model for the product configuration. Refer to the specification of each product for the compatibility.

Unit Converter

Convenient Unit/Torque/
Tension conversion

6 Significant Digits (*Significant digits are meaningful digits that do not include zeros, which are used to indicate the scale.)


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